It feels like paper, but is hard as steel. Swedish architects Claesson, Koivisto, Rune will launch a children’s chair made of pulp at the Milan Furniture Fair starting Wednesday.
Together with the Swedish forrest company Södra Cell and the research company STFI Packforsk they’ve been working on the chair for one and a half year. The material is a special pulp combined with PLA, a biodegradable plastic made from maize starch and cane sugar. In other words, a good alternative to plastic.
“Papuru” (the japanese word for paper) is durable and waterproof, recyclable, stackable and colourful. Now there's only the machine for massproducing it that’s missing... Look at films showing the production process here and here. (Am I spotting a new “production porn” trend here?)
Intressant. Toyota driver stora potatisodlingar i Asien för att få fram stärkelse. De blandar potatisstärkelsen med nanofibrer från cellulosa. Efter frystorkning får man en armerad, miljövänlig skumplast. Materialet används istället för frigolit i bilarnas inredning och minskar Toyotas användning av oljebaserade produkter.